Thursday, October 1, 2020

A-Z of Soft Skills: M is for Motivation

 Motivation is why we act in a particular manner.

Motivation makes us do things. Basically, motivation is what stimulates our desire to achieve something. It gives us the energy, drive and direction we need to get to our goal.

Motivation may be both internal and external:

Say, you're a student. You may want straight As because:
  • Your mom said you'd have to move out of the house if you didn't
  • Your dad said he'd buy you a new car if you did
  • There's a cash prize to be won
  • The person you have a crush on only talks to straight A students
  • You'll be dissatisfied with yourself if you didn't get those As because you know you're good enough
  • If you get straight As you could get into an Ivy League school
Obviously, some of the above reasons are internal and some are external. Some are based on incentives and rewards and others are based on punishment. Obviously also, those who are internally motivated or self-upgrading are most likely to succeed and fulfil their potential.

What motivates you here and now and today probably won't be a motivator for you tomorrow, in some other place or situation or time.

What motivates you will probably not be a motivator for another person.

It is important for us to know our motivators and also, if we're going to take leadership roles in anything, to accurately estimate the motivators of our subordinates, superiors, colleagues and peers.

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