Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Business Writing Skills: The Importance of Writing Well for Effective Organisational Communication


A very big HR recruiter once told me that strong writing skills were the number 1 talent he looked for in job candidates across all functions. Did I agree with him, he asked me or did I disagree with this approach?

This made me start thinking about the importance of writing skills in business.

Obviously, the recruiter did not mean that he was looking for creative writng talent in every job applicant. What he meant was that at job interviews,he actively sought a person's ability to express his ideas in short, clear, grammatical sentences with logically arranged and linked paragraphs.

In other words, he was looking for effective business writing skills in all the candidates he interviewed, whatever their level and profile. I agreed with him wholeheartedly. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of writing skills in business.

Why do we need good writing skills in organisations? And by good business writing skills, I mean prose that seems effortlessly written and is easily read and understood.

I consider writing skills extremely important in any organisational role.

Records must be kept, instructions must be given, reports must be written, actions must be explained, applications must be made, forms must be filled...the list is endless and applies to all levels of any organisation.

Someone who can write well can conserve organisational time and effort to a great extent--no need for down-the-line oral messages; fewer misunderstandings, therefore fewer re-works; complicated policies and issues put down clearly and succintly for all to follow...you see what I mean.

Also, putting something in writing (say talking points, or lists, or details of a phone call) organizes things in our minds and makes it easier for us to make logical, effective presentations or oral reports without losing the thread or forgetting some things.

Therefore, there is a place and a need for writing skills across all levels in business. Whatever your Key Responsibility Area (KRA), you would do well if you began trying to improve your writing skills.

Improving writing skills is sure to make you do better at your job and better business writing skills will, sooner rather than later, translate into faster growth up the organisational ladder for you.

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